Día de los muertos

Day of the Dead: A colorful and joy-filled festival, celebrated in many Latin American countries on Nov 1-2, to honor and remember loved ones who have passed away.

Day of the Dead: A colorful and joy-filled festival, celebrated in many Latin American countries on Nov 1-2, to honor and remember loved ones who have passed away.

Try one of these age-appropriate ways to explore this colorful festival with your aventurero/a!

Ask: how is it similar or different to to the Halloween traditions in our culture?*

Important: You know your child best! If you feel that your child is not ready to see the joy behind the skeletons, skulls and the cemetery, then save this for when he/she is older! Or, just focus on crafts and books that you feel are age and stage appropriate to your child. Enjoy to their level!

*Olivia says: “At Halloween we carve Jack o’Lanterns and sometimes it is spooky. But I think that Día de muertos is a happy festival! It’s not scary or sad”.  :-)

*Olivia says: “At Halloween we carve Jack o’Lanterns and sometimes it is spooky. But I think that Día de muertos is a happy festival! It’s not scary or sad”. :-)


Hispanic Heritage Month recap; new session starting soon!


¡ya llegó el otoño!