My Methodology

Several years ago, I discovered teaching by comprehensible input - and everything changed!

Comprehensible input is a term defined by the linguist Stephen Krashen that means, essentially, the presentation of comprehensible, meaningful language to learners.

Instead of drilling words and phrases related to isolated topics or units of study, or teaching a grammar lesson in isolation, we present relevant/high-frequency language that students need to communicate, repetitively, in engaging contexts. What does this look like? In my classes you will see me using storytelling and employing physical movement, sign language, music and rhymes, images and visuals, strategic questioning…and humor! This works with students of all ages. And it’s FUN!

Teaching by comprehensible input is proven to increase language acquisition (=the getting of language into students’ heads). As their language proficiency grows, (=the language that they are able to produce) so can the complexity of our instructional input.

Think about how you learnt your mother tongue…listening to language in natural human interactions and communications, repeatedly and in different contexts (input), then having a go communicating ourselves (output), making mistakes and repeating the cycle….and over time, with practice, we get better at it (proficiency). That is essentially the inspiration for teaching a second language using comprehensible input. And, it’s FUN!

I am continually learning and growing with my students. Most of all, I’m enjoying teaching languages more than ever.