Music playlist

Download or stream our songs and sing along at home to to maximize learning!

Why is music an important tool in my language classes?

  • It helps with memorization

  • It encourages good pronunciation

  • It builds phonemic awareness

  • Authentic music allows kids to connect with the cultures we’re exploring

  • …and all ages can enjoy it and learn!

Studies suggest that a student needs to hear a new word 28 times on average to remember it. It may take even more times before we actually verbally reproduce the word accurately and independently. We don’t learn right away, but over time with much input, repetition and practice of the language in various, authentic contexts. Music helps with this!

Explore our songs, make a playlist or download the complete albums from these great artists! Many are even stream-able via Instagram.

Buenos días, buenos días (Good morning), or free video here by José Luis-Orosco

Diez deditos (10 little fingers), or free video here by José Luis-Orosco

Nos vamos en avión (Let’s go on a plane), or free video here by el Trotamundos

Veo, veo (I see, I see) - video

Una tortillita para mi mamá (a tortilla for my mom), free video here

La Raspa (traditional Mexican music & dance), or free video here

Vamos a cantar (let’s sing) by José Luis-Orosco (free video)

Hojas, hojas (leaves, leaves) by Fun for Spanish Teachers

Vuela, vuela (fly, fly) by 123 Andrés

¿Cómo te llamas tú? (What’s your name?) by Sing with Señor, or free video here

Alrededor del círculo (Around the circle), by Music with Sara

Mi familia (my family), by Spanish with Johanna (video only)

Los colores by Risas y Sonrisas Spanish for Kids (video only)

¿Cuál es tu color favorito? by Señor Soto (video only)

Veo colores by Spanish All Year Round (video here)

Noche de paz (Silent Night)

Prende las velitas (Light the candles) by Enrique Kike Núñez

Dale, dale, dale (the piñata song)

Mi burrito sabanero (a carol/folk song popular in many Latin American countries, originally from Venezuela or Colombia)

Chocolate, Jose Luis-Orosco

Hace frío, by the Okee Dokee Brothers - download album here*.

Soy un muñeco de nieve (i’m a snowman), by Super Simple español; video here

Copo de nieve (snowflake), by Super Simple español; video here

¿Dónde están los animales? by The Okee Dokee Brothers - album here

Marcha, marcha, marcha, by SingALingo

La Raspa (Mexican ‘hat dance’)

La primavera, by ABC Spanish in Motion

Los pollitos (the chicks), Traditional Nursery Rhyme sung by Jose Luis Orosco

Somos como las flores (we are like the flowers) by Charlotte Diamond

La primavera, (Spring) by Los Pompillos

Vuela, vuela (Fly) by 123 Andrés

¡Salta, Salta! (Jump!) by 123 Andrés

El conejito blanco, (The white bunny) by Spanish Together

Como los animalitos, (Like the animals) by el Reino Infantil

Muévete como los animales (Move like the animals) by PinkFong (video)

El coquí (The frog) by Wee Sing

El coquí (The frog) by Jose Luis-Orosco

Puerto Rico, yo te quiero (Puerto Rico, I love you) by Yubá-Iré

El quetzal, by Canciones Infantiles para ninos Guatemala

Viva Guatemala, by Marimba Chapinlandia (traditional Guatemalan marimba)

Manos limpias (Clean Hands), by José Luis-Orosco

Lavarse las manos (wash your hands), by Villazul

Vamos a comer (Let’s eat), by Villazul

Tengo hambre, tengo hambre (I’m hungry - to tune ‘Oh My Darling Clementine’)

Julia Pela la Yuca (Julia peels the yucca), by Los de Azuero

Bailan las frutas (The Fruit Dance), by the Okee Dokee Brothers - album here

Conga de las frutas (Fruit Conga), by José Luis-Orosco

Me gusta comer (I like to eat) , by Jorge Guerra

Las palabras mágicas (the Magic Words), here and here and video here

*Mil gracias/many thanks to the GRAMMY® Award-winning Okee Dokee Brothers, who kindly gave me permission to share this album with my aventurero/a/e(s) and their families, for free!


México y la mariposa monarca


¡ya llegó el otoño!