Que llueva, que llueva…Let it rain!

¡Llegó la primavera! Spring is here!

We are exploring what we SEE and HEAR in Spring time!

¿Qué veo en la primavera? What do i see in the Spring?

¿Qué hay en la primavera? What is there in the Spring?

  • We discover how spring animals MOVE using our poem/story and song Que llueva, Que llueva” (see below)

Scroll down for words & phrases, videos & songs to accompany our unit!

Poema de la primavera / Spring poem*

Que llueva = let it rain

Que llueva = let it rain

Llegó la primavera = Spring is here

Los pajaritos cantan = the birds are singing

Las flores se levantan = the flowers are growing

los conejitos saltan = the rabbits are jumping

las ranitas cantan = the frogs are singing

los patitos nadan = the ducks are swimming

Los animales/the animals

  • Flashcards… download here

  • Movements….

    • nada [NA-da] (swims)

    • vuela [BWE-la] (flies)

    • salta [SAL-ta] (jumps)

    • camina [cam-EE-na] (walks)

    • repta or se arrastra [REP-ta / seh arr-AS-tra] (crawls)


‘¿Quién salta?’ (Who hops?) by Katie Davis.

Coquí (¡Hola! Hello!), by Valery Ortiz

Coquí in the City, by Nomar Perez (alternative read aloud here)

Conejito (little bunny) - a folk tale from Panamá, by Margaret Read McDonald

El baile de los cascarones (Dance of the Eggshells), by Carla Aragón

Un recorrido por las estaciones (A skip through the seasons), by Stella Blackstone

Me gusta la lluvia (I like the rain), by Sarah Nelson

Canciones / Songs (all on our playlist, too!)

La primavera, by ABC Spanish in Motion

El coquí by Jose Luis-Orosco

Vuela, vuela (Fly) by 123 Andrés

¡Salta, Salta! (Jump!) by 123 Andrés

El coquí (The frog) by Wee Sing

Puerto Rico, yo te quiero (Puerto Rico, I love you) by Yubá-Iré

Los pollitos (the chicks), Traditional Nursery Rhyme sung by Jose Luis Orosco

Somos como las flores (we are like the flowers) by Charlotte Diamond

La primavera, by Los Pompillos

El conejito blanco, by Spanish Together

Como los animalitos, by el Reino Infantil

Muévete como los animales by PinkFong

*Inspired by the poem ‘Que llueva’ by Carolina Gomez of Fun for Spanish Teachers, and the song ‘La Primavera’ by ABC Spanish in Motion. Both are adaptations of the traditional song ‘Que llueva’ for little learners. Many variations of this song can be found around the Spanish speaking world!

Cultura - Nicaragua

Every May, on the Caribbean coast of Nicaragua, a colorful Spring festival takes place. El palo de mayo celebrates rain and new life and rich in Afro-Caribbean rhythms and heritage. Families come together to attend parades, dance and have fun.

Watch a Video of a Palo de Mayo parade!

As we explore Nicaragua and Central America, we play a version of a traditional children’s game, using a wooden spinning top, called el trompo. This is a popular game played in Mexico and many Central American countries, with origins dating back centuries.

Puerto Rico - la isla del encanto …the island of enchantment

Cultura - Puerto Rico

This magical Caribbean island with its unique latino identity and indigenous history, is steeped in history and rich in diverse natural wonders and wildlife. Puerto Ricans (las boricuas) are lulled to sleep by the magical sound of the coquí - a tree frog unique to Puerto Rico.

Watch some sights and sounds of Puerto Rico here

Discover the incredible bird life in Puerto Rico here

See and hear el coquí up close here

Puerto Rico / el coquí study materials for elementary-aged kids here and here


¡A comer!


el Día del Amor y de la Amistad